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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Towards a Liberative Ecclesiology: A Tribute to Dr. K. Rajaratnam

Towards a Liberative Ecclesiology: A Tribute to Dr. K. Rajaratnam: "Towards a Liberative Ecclesiology: A Tribute to Dr. K. Rajaratnam
By: Rev. Raj Bharath Patta
Tuesday, 13 April 2010, 14:44 (IST)Font Scale:A A A
It was said of Socrates that, he has brought philosophy from the gates of heaven to the streets of Athens, so also can be said of Dr. Kunchala Rajaratnam, that he has brought the relevance of Church for our times from the gates of heaven to the streets of India and abroad. As a theologian, over the years, Doctor (Dr. K. Rajaratnam was mostly revered and called as Doctor)[1] exercised his faith in a dynamic way in our Indian economic and socio-political situation. As an economist, as an ecumenist, as an ecclesiologist, as an ethicist, as an administrator, and as a theologian he expressed his deep commitment to the Gospel and contributed to the Church and society in India and abroad. Doctor has always affirmed that his association with theological education is from the standpoint of his life in the life of the Church, and his starting point whether to development or theology is his commitment to Church. Doctor, having received the impetus to serve the community from the Gospel and the Church, thoroughly analyzed the society and brought out the theological relevance to his times. Mahatma Gandhi’s assertion that his life was his message to humankind aptly applies to the life of Dr. Kunchala Rajaratnam"

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